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ResPIRE is a unique and supportive learning environment for Respiratory Physiotherapy, Innovation and Research Excellence.

Based in Melbourne, the team at ResPIRE comprise dedicated clinicians and researchers striving to improve health outcomes for individuals affected by respiratory disease. We are committed to the development of an evidence-engaged future healthcare professions workforce and to the conduct of consumer-oriented clinically relevant research activities.


A/Prof. Christian Osadnik

Dr Belinda Thomas

Dr Martin MacDonald

Dr Paul Leong

Carla Gordon

Alethea Kavanagh

Laura Montgomery

Sally Heyde

ResPIRE students


Want to find out more about our work at ResPIRE?

Catch up on our recent posts via the thumbnails below or click to read more about updates on current lab projects, staffing, recent initiatives such as journal club topics and lots more.


A new educational resource for improving care and recovery from acute respiratory exacerbations

Involved a mixed methods international consensus and web design project with pilot implementation evaluation.

ERS Frailty Statement

World’s first societal Statement on the management of frailty in adults with chronic lung disease

This large project set an important precedent for future prioritisation and investment in research into the complex issues of frailty in chronic lung disease.

Status: Published HERE

Validation of the 60-second sit-to-stand test in acute COPD exacerbations

Aimed to validate the simple 60-second sit-to-stand test as a useful tool to aid in clinical management of people with acute COPD exacerbations

Status: Published HERE

Association of blood lactate in COPD exacerbations with adverse outcomes

Highlighted the importance of detecting elevated blood lactate levels as a marker of poor clinical outcomes

Status: Published HERE


Multidimensional clinical phenotyping of hospitalised acute COPD exacerbations

Involved comprehensive multidimensional assessments of inpatients and evaluation of clinical impact.


Exacerbation phenotypes in COPD: implications for rehabilitation

Aims to identify the clinical impact of exacerbation phenotypes on recovery of physical function after discharge.

Status: preparing for publication


Impact of frailty during acute inpatient lung exacerbations

Aims to evaluate the prevalence and impact of frailty during hospital admissions for a range of chronic lung conditions

Status: data completed (COVID-affected)


Perspectives of anxiety during COPD exacerbations

Aims to offer perspectives of the impact of anxiety during acute exacerbations of COPD from multiple healthcare stakeholders

Status: data completed (COVID-affected)

Perceptions and work-readiness of Australian physiotherapists in cancer care: a national evaluation

Australian survey of workforce preparedness for physiotherapists to operate in cancer care. 

Status: Published HERE

Cancer Exercise Toolkit

Collaborative development of a new web-resource for cancer rehabilitation

Key contributor to new therapist online resource to improve rehabilitation for people affected by cancer.

Status: live online at

Exercise training for people with bronchiectasis: a Cochrane Systematic Review

Aimed to evaluate the impact of exercise training programs for people affected by bronchiectasis.

Status: Published HERE

Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in COPD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Aimed to offer a definitive evaluation of the effect of contemporary pulmonary rehabilitation programs on symptoms of anxiety and depression in people with COPD.

Status: Published HERE


Professional Development

We run regular professional development activities throughout the year in conjunction with Monash University Department of Physiotherapy. All topics relate to evidence-based respiratory patient care, and are presented by leading healthcare professionals and academics. Attend seminars live and/or online, or watch the recordings later if you can’t make the event.

Connect with our network

Useful resources

Browse the following links for useful resources to assist the management of people affected by chronic lung disease:

Exercise guidance

Centres of lung health excellence

Clinical practice guidelines

International Resources

It’s great to be part of an enthusiastic cross-disciplinary network of researchers with broad and complementary skillsets

Paul, Respiratory physician, resptlab member